An individual with a family history of pancreatic cancer is more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than someone who does not. Some well-known cancer causing genes have been associated with familial pancreatic cancer, but this is not the case for all affected families.
EUROPAC aims to understand what effect a family history of pancreatic cancer has on a person's lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer themselves. We maintain a registry of families with a family history of pancreatic cancer. We use detailed family and personal history questionnaires to assess your lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer and offer screening if your risk is felt to be higher than what is observed in the general population.
Further information about registration and screening can be found in our participant information sheets below
You may be eligible to take part if:
You have a family history of pancreatic cancer (typically 2 or more affected close relatives on the same side of your family)
You have a mutation in a gene known to increase your risk of pancreatic cancer and have at least one case of pancreatic cancer in the family
You have been diagnosed with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
If you feel that you may be eligible or have any further questions, please get in touch