Pancreatitis is a common yet potentially serious condition where the pancreas becomes inflamed causing people to experience upper abdominal pain and vomiting. In most cases, symptoms settle within a few days, the pancreas continues to function normally and the cause for pancreatitis can be identified (commonly due to gallstones or alcohol consumption).
If several people in a family are affected by pancreatitis and there is no identifiable cause, there may be a genetic abnormality leading to pancreatitis. Individuals with HP can have several episodes of pancreatitis, which can cause chronic abdominal pain and for the pancreas not to function normally. Recurrent episodes of pancreatitis can also increase a person's chance of developing pancreatic cancer.
EUROPAC is looking to understand HP in more detail. We want to understand to what extent HP increases a person's pancreatic cancer risk and to develop an appropriate cancer screening programme for affected individuals.
Further information can be found in the participant information sheets below.
You may be eligible to take part if:
You have been diagnosed with HP
You carry a mutation in a gene known to cause HP
If you feel that you may be eligible or have any further questions, please get in touch